PybotARena Documentation


from pybotarena import RobotAR, PlatformAR


RobotAR(ip_address, port_number, robot_id)

This is  used to instantiate an object to control the virtual robot in AR.

Example code:

ip_address = "" # enter the  IP address you see on the iPad

port_number = 49277 # enter the port number you see on the iPad

robot_id = 0 # choose the robot using their id from the iPad's screen (id range from 0 to 3)

# instantiate the robot object

robot = RobotAR(ip_address, port_number, robot_id)


robot.wheels(left_speed=0, right_speed=0)

Set the left and right wheels' speed. The integer value ranges from -500 to 500. A negative value means the wheels will rotate on the opposite direction. This can be used to move backward or to turn. A speed of 500 on both wheels will move the robot at about 20 cm/s. A speed of 0 will stop the wheel.

Any value that is more than 0 but less than 50 will be clamped to 50. 

Any value that is less than 0 but more than -50 will be clamped to -50.

Speed of around 100-200 would be advisable for most cases.

robot.wheels(100, 100)  # move straight

robot.wheels(100, 0) # turn right

robot.wheels(0, 0) # stop


Stops the robot. The shorthand function of robot.wheels(0, 0).


Suspends (waits) execution of the current thread for a given number of seconds. The shorthand function of time.sleep(t).

# move straight for 3 seconds then stop

robot.wheels(100, 100)





Returns a ProxGround object which contains the following attributes:

Use delta only in your coding.

For each array, index 0 refers to the left sensor, and index 1 refers to the right sensor.

# get delta value of the right sensor

r =[1]

delta values can be used to detect various Platform objects on the floor. See Platform Code.

Example code:

if robot.get_prox_ground().delta[0] == PlatformAR.platform_code['exit']:

    # do something 

Platform Code

PlatformAR class contains a dictionary that can be used to detect various platform object in the ARena. The dictionary pairs the keyword of the various platform' objects and the delta light detected by the ProxGround object. 

Example code:

if robot.get_prox_ground().delta[0] == PlatformAR.platform_code['item']:

    # do something